Training Video No 7. for Using ORSAA Database
This is a training video for finding papers with an AND condition search and an OR condition search and how to use Extended searches and OMIT search results.
First search: Pick TWO Effect categories to demonstrate AND search. We picked Yes to BioChemical Changes and Yes to Cell Irregularities. These Effect categories where selected as they where close together on the screen so you can see easily the results of the searches.
Second Search. Pick TWO Effect categories where either or categories are found. Yes to BioChemical Changes and No to Cell Irregularities.
Third Search. Pick TWO Effect categories where either or categories are found. No to BioChemical Changes and Yes to Cell Irregularities. This is a search using an EXTENDED FIND SEARCH so the result is added to the second search.
Fourth Search. Pick TWO Effect categories where either or categories are found.Yes to BioChemical Changes and Yes to Cell Irregularities. This is a search using an EXTENDED FIND SEARCH so the result is added to the second search. Sao we have added 3 searches together.
Fifth search is to obtain this result another way by using OMIT RESULT. We do a Find Search with Yes to BioChemical
Changes and No to Cell Irregularities. This time we show all the Omitted results which is the same as all 3 combined find results,
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