To enhance your experience with the ODEB database we suggest you view our Training Webinar
Getting Started Manual. Remember this database is changing as more publications are entered and this document contains search information that was true for that point in time. The ORSAA Database on Electromagnetic Bioeffects (ODEB) is the largest categorised database on this research area and is very different to general database like emf portal and pubmed. This is fully function relational database and there is a learning curve.
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How to do FIND Search. Examples of AND &OR searches are shown.
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Data Dictionary for use in selection of fields for downloading in CSV file.
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.Example of CSV down load file - No Headers
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Example of CSV file converted to excel spreadsheet with the first two row with headers. These 2 rows can be copied and paste into your downloaded csv file and upon converted or save as an excel spreadsheet you can use all the spreadsheet mathematical operators (e.g.. summing columns off data etc.)
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End-Point Category system (Nov 2023)